The last update/post was about introducing the idea of my first book “The DevOps Story”
I'm pleased and filled with joy, excitement, happiness to be writing this piece where I announce that my first book has been published on 24th April, 2024 (my birthday) .
This book is very close to my heart.
And it's available online on Amazon Kindle, Gumroad, Topmate what have you?
Suggest any other platforms and I'd consider uploading it on them as well.
My aim is to make DevOps more accessible and comprehensible to everyone from beginners to pros.
It's too early to gauge the response, but so far have received kind comments on X.
I still feel that there's a lot of organic reach /visibility and engagement to come as DevOps Story is something that is close to everyone in the IT field.
Go checkout
Writing a book has made me realize that it's not just about writing
It's about presentation,
Making a book cover (cause even though we shouldn't judge a book by its cover, in reality we almost always do, unless you've all your cognitive biases in check)
It's about conveying your ideas into exact precise, concise manner so that they are free from any ambiguity and cannot be misconstrued/misunderstood (writing the alternate word cause of Paul Graham's quote about using simpler words, lol)
It also taught me to learn sales, marketing, branding, persuasion.
And damn, these things are so hard!!!!
Majority of people (I'm not generalising just showing the mirror to the world as is) are price sensitive, and they don't buy/purchase stuff, everyone wants social proof, validation, and what not (only because this is truly opaque to me), let me picture myself as the average consumer, I have no qualms ordering fast food or desserts online, but I'll think hard and pass on the idea of buying a book or any course.
Why's that?
It maybe due to the irresistible dopamine release that these fast food cravings solve in comparison to the clarity and insights that any book offers which helps the thirst for knowledge and learning, in simple words we're more incentivised to consume rather than create, how did i join these unrelated tangents?
Well stay with me for a moment, writing a book, or reading a book which writers like me have spent their precious time perfecting, picking, editing word for word, is an example of creation, what is created you ask?
The unique idea/perspective, the mesh of concepts of theory, practical, history, geography, philosophy, psychology, arts, sciences, magic and realities, which only existed in the authors mind, now due to the virtue of you reading their work has been magically created into your mind.
Imagine the moment you get a brain sync with your friends (you both exclaim the same thing at the same time) this is due to your brain map being almost similar to your friend at that point. Information is copied/ created in almost similar manner to get you on the same page.
Now just imagine this magical experience can be unlocked and you can read from the greatest/finest minds about the stuff that they're really passionate about. Isn't this just enough motivation to read and devour every book you ever see?
For me it is. Till the time that people normalise learning and start creating more than they consume, short term dopamine will always win over long term discipline and mastery.
Go ahead, read my book, and let know what you think?
Checkout my socials for limited time never before price, I won't be doing the convincing and persuasion over here as it's value is self evident with the effort and the kind of learning and impact that it has had on me as a person. Hopefully it'll have the similar impact on you when you unpack and read it.
Quick links to get it now (I'm making it easy for you to make it easy for me)
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